kfNgram is a free stand-alone Windows
program for linguistic research which generates lists of n-grams
in text and HTML files. Here n-gram is understood as a
sequence of either n words, where n can be any
positive integer, also known as lexical bundles, chains, wordgrams,
and, in WordSmith, clusters,
or else of n characters, also known as chargrams.
When not further specified here, n-gram refers to wordgrams. kfNgram also produces and displays lists of
"phrase-frames", i.e. groups of wordgrams identical but for a single
kfNgram features an intuitive graphic user
interface and offers numerous options. Since the program
continues to evolve, user
suggestions and feedback to the developer are vigorously
encouraged. Features and details of implementation are subject to
change. While no registration is required to download and use kfNgram...
The configuration file
kfNgram.cfg included
in the download only has predefined character mapping for the Latin 1
character set. Other character sets can be defined in the
configuration file. There is also a version of the configuration
file for UTF-8 files as on –
click to see / hide details
Follow the instructions in
kfNgram.cfg to create your own mappings for
the character set you work in. To use the program with UTF8-encoded
files, download kfNgram.cfgUTF8 if you don't already have it
and save it in the same folder as kfNgram.exe.
Rename the original configuration file to save it, then rename kfNgram.cfgUTF8 to kfNgram.cfg .
Use Case Sensitive processing! This approach will not work with "classic"
Unicode, which includes NULL characters (ASCII 0). Two further drawbacks:
- Sorting follows ANSI character codes, not the rules for the
language. You’ll have to use a different program to sort alphabetically.
- Your text and n-grams will not appear in Unicode in kfNgram, but the output is UTF8-encoded and
should display correctly in a UTF8-compatible editor.
Making Wordgram Files
- Launch the program by double-clicking on its icon
- Select the list of text "source files" for which you wish
to generate word n-gram lists
- The Browse & Replace button replaces
any source files you may have already selected
- The Browse & Add button adds any
files you select to whatever is already in the source files list
- From the File Dialogue you may select multiple source
files using standard Windows conventions (hold down Ctrl,
then click to select individually, Shift and arrow keys to
select a range of files)
- Source files must be text or HTML files, i.e.
not word processor files (conversion may be added in the future);
if the text is in a word processor format, "Save as..." ANSI / ASCII
file first.
HTML (webpage) files may be used
directly, but conversion is supported only for the Western European
character set. The developer's program StripTags will also create
useful text files from SGML and from some XML files; download and try it.
- Verify that the desired options are
selected, then click Tools > Get Wordgrams (shortcut
Ctrl-W) to start processing.
- If you have very large files, please be patient! kfNgram
can be resource-intensive. Disabling on-access virus scanning can
improve overall performance significantly (re-enable it when done to
protect your system!).
- Follow the progress of your job in the log display at the
bottom of kfNgram's window.
- The program will create the following files in the same
folder as each source file, using the name of the source file followed
by these extensions:
- one file of n-grams for each value of n
you specify (extension like -03-ngrams-Alpha.txt), a
plain text file in which each line CrLf-delimited line consists of an n-gram,
a tab character and the frequency of the n-gram in the source
- a log file (extension .log) of each time kfNgram is run on a sourcefile<
- an index file (extension .srtidx)
containing the location of each token in the tokenized string in sorted
- a file containing the tokenized and normalized version
of the source file (extension .idxd)
Files are retained in case you wish to repeat a similar
analysis on the same files, but your hard drive may fill up
quickly. Delete any unnecessary files via Windows Explorer!
- Menu item File > View Text File (shortcut
Alt-V) allows you to preview text files. This viewer wraps the text
to fit in the window. To change the font, click Tools >
Edit Options (shortcut Ctrl-E) and edit the values for
"DisplayFontFace" and "DisplayFontSize" as desired; changes are
effective the next time a file is displayed. (To expedite file
loading and display, a maximum of 10 MB of text is shown.)
- Menu item File > View n-Gram File (shortcut
Alt-N) allows you to view text files. Lines do not wrap (use the
horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the window if lines do not fit
on the screen). Note that the file browser initially shows only
alphabetically-sorted n-gram files. Click the dropbox
under to file name to view a listing of other file types. See also the
note above on editing display font options. The frequency column is
separated from n-grams by a tab, whose position can be adjusted
with the Move Numbers Left / Right menu commands.
- To protect the user's data, all source files are
opened in read-only mode, so they cannot be corrupted by the program.
However, since kfNgram is designed to
process large datasets without user supervision, it does not check and
warn whenever a previous output file might be overwritten. If
you need to preserve data from an earlier run, either move or rename
the files. For further details of file-naming conventions see the FAQ.
Submenus (note shortcuts keys)
- File Menu
Both wordgram and chargram files can displayed with
The Move Number Left / Right menus in the viewer
permit aligning the numeric columns for proper display.
- Tools Menu
The various output types are produced as follows:
- Wordgrams are generated directly from the files
specified in the "Sourcefiles" field
- Chargrams are generated from previously-produced lists
of 1-wordgrams
- Phrase-frames are generated from previously-produced
lists of wordgrams with values of n of 2 or greater
- Options Menu
Edit Options allows redefinition of various
aspects of the character sets (e.g. sort order, character remapping).
Please refer to the documentation in the file itself.
Advanced Options are currently limited to forcing
reindexing each time the program is run. This ensures that
changes in the processing options are reflected in subsequent runs of
the program. (Default: use existing indices to save time
processing large files.)
- Help Menu
Help / F1 displays this file About gives
information about the program version, copyright and contacting the
Edit these values as desired
- nGrams specifies the values of n for which
wordgrams are to be generated:
- separate multiple values by commas, e.g. 1,3,6 means
"generate 1-grams, 3-grams and 6-grams"
- show a range with a hyphen, e.g. 3-6 means "generate 3-grams,
4-grams, 5-grams and 6-grams"
- Floor specifies the minimum or threshold frequency a
wordgram must have to be included in the list, i.e. a value of "1"
means "include all wordgrams", while "5" means "include only wordgrams
occurring 5 or more times."
Select these options via the drop-down boxes
- When Show n-grams is selected, each list of n-grams
is displayed in a new window when done. Turn this option off when
doing multiple large files, as the display windows can use up a lot of
- Chars to Sort specifies the number of "significant"
characters to sort on at at the beginning of each n-gram.
Larger values can increase processing time significantly for larger
files, so set it to the lowest acceptable value for your purposes
unless the files are small. For example, if the maximum value of n
that interests you is under 20, 256 characters should be sufficient,
since it is unlikely that twenty consecutive words will total more than
256 characters.
- Case-Sensitive / Not case-sensitive seems obvious.
Actually it selects whether to remap characters using the "csMapchars"
or the "lcMapchars" string, which means about the same thing.
These strings can be customized with Tools > Edit Options (shortcut
- Alphabetical sort / Frequency sort specifies whether to
produce n-gram lists sorted either alphabetically or in
descending order of frequency (and alphabetically within a given
frequency). Customize the collation order by editing the "sortorder"
entry with Edit options.
- Punctuation processing options
- Observe TreatAsToken "tokenizes" each instance of any
character in the "TreatAsToken" entry in the configuration file (choose
Edit options to modify), i.e. it is retained and
separated by spaces from surrounding text. This preserves
information about sentence and phrase boundaries and types.
- Punctuation as in KeepChars retains only those
punctuation marks explicitly included in the "KeepChars", "csMapchars"
and "lsMapchars" entries in the configuration file; all others are
replaced by space.
- Replace . , - ' with space replaces all instances of
these (and other)punctuation marks with space
- Keep internal . , - ' retains these marks
word-internally, so that forms like
don't are treated as single tokens instead of
being split up into separate tokens as in
KWiCFinder com
537 291 098
e mail
don t
- Delete internal - keep . , ' is similar to the
previous option except that tokens like
are mapped onto
- Retain numerals keeps numbers 0-9 intact, while Change
numerals to # does just that: each digit is replaced with #,
in contrast to Make all numbers #, which replaces one or more
consecutive digits with a single #.
Why this option? Certain phrases
frequently collocate with numbers. By mapping all numbers to a
single sign or series of signs, these set phrases emerge more clearly
in the frequency list. Alternatively, by distinguishing individual
numerals, one may detect that certain numbers are more salient than
others in specific contexts. Both purposes are supported by kfNgram.
- When multiple source files are selected, Combine
incorporates all of them into a single new file (you will be prompted
for a name) and aggregates the data into a single report, while Separate
produces a separate report for each source file.
- To filter out wordgrams containing user-defined stopwords, use kfNgramStopwords.
The options you choose are saved for future runs.
Merging files
Extracting n-grams from very large files can bring your
system to its knees. For example, my ageing PC can index, sort,
and produce n-grams of an 80 MB text file with almost 15
million tokens in a couple of minutes. By contrast, a file twice
that size takes hours to process. Lesson: split longer files up into
shorter chunks, then merge the results. The maximum useful source
file size varies by hardware configuration; 100 MB is a useful maximum
(200 MB if you have 1 GB or more of memory).
The wordgrams from separate runs can be merged into a single file
with the Tools > Merge (shortcut Ctrl-M) menu
command. Not only are the files combined, but the frequency data from
separate runs are totaled up. When you click Merge you
will be prompted first to select the files to be merged, then to
provide a name for the output file for the result of the merge
operation. Observe these key points:
- The various options (punctuation and other remapping,
case-sensitivity, value of n) should be the same for all files
to be merged.
- Merge works only with alphabetically sorted files
- You can re-sort the merged file by frequency with the Tools
> Convert Alphabetic Sort to Frequency Sort (shortcut Ctrl-A)
menu command, which works with any alphabetically sorted files.
- Merging many files can take a long time, especially for larger
values of n. The application's titlebar displays the percent
progress and the number of n-grams meeting the floor limit
which have been found.
- On the other hand, merging requires relatively little memory, so
other operations (generating new n-gram files, re-sorting by frequency
etc.) can be carried out while a merge operation is in progress. Tips
1. It can be most efficient to divide your files into
smaller batches, then merge the results. 2. You can launch
kfNgram multiple times to carry out
separate merge operations simultaneously.
- The merge operation uses the sort order specified in kfNgram.cfg
- Since data from various runs are combined, you should specify a
lower floor value for individual files than you intend for the merged
file, but avoid being over-inclusive for huge datasets.
The floor value in effect at the time of
the merge operation governs which items are included in the merged
wordgram list. For example, to ensure an accurate count of all types
that occur three or more times in a large corpus split into 10 files,
specify a floor of 1 for runs on the separate files, then raise the
floor to 3 before merging the files. That way all occurrences will be
considered when merging, but only types with a total frequency of three
or greater appear in the merged list.
To help the user discover additional linguistic patterns, kfNgram can produce lists of "phrase-frames", i.e.
wordgrams which are identical except for a single word, as in the
following example from the BNC written texts:
as * as the 4566 5
as well as the 2674
as far as the 874
as soon as the 652
as long as the 316
as much as the 50
The first line in each group shows the phrase-frame, with wildcard *
standing for the word that differs in the variants. The second
column in this line gives the total frequency of all variants, and the
third column indicates the number of variants the phrase-frame
has. Sets of phrase-frames and their variants are separated by a
double set of carriage-return / line-feed pairs. While
phrase-frame files are initially shown in the n-gram viewer
window for quick verification, they are best studied with the
phrase-frame browser (Tools menu / Ctrl-B). The
phrase-frame feature was added at the suggestion of Prof. Michael
Stubbs of the University of Trier and is based on a concept first
developed by his graduate student Isabel Barth.
Lists of sequences of n characters are generated from
1-wordgram files. Select "Get Chargrams..." from the Tools menu
(shortcut: Ctrl-C) to launch this dialog box, select files and
options, then click "Go".
- Chargrams can be tallied by Types, Tokens, or both. Types
and Tokens are always output in separate files.
- Single file per [value of] n
the tallies for all positions selected appear in a single file,
with columns separated by tabs.
- Column labels the first line of the output
file contains column labels to clarify which positions are represented.
- Chargrams can be sorted either by frequency in descending
order or alphabetically in ascending order.
- Click the Go button to start processing. This
button is disabled until files and at least one position have been
- To avoid counting word-forms more than once, initial
position overrides final position. For example, the word the
counts only for initial position of the 3-chargram the (it
could conceivably also be construed as occurring finally). The
3-chargram the occurs finally in bathe and medially inother;
both are tallied as separate cases.
- Warning: known bug!
If only "Total" is selected, chargram counts are inaccurate.
Workaround: select initial, medial and final too. Then the totals will
be accurate.
Running kfNgram from the Command Line beta, details subject to change
For efficient processing of large or numerous files, kfNgram can be run from the command line or from
an MS-DOS batch file.
A batch file is a plain
text file (i.e. the kind created by Notepad – specify a filename
ending in .bat) containing a "script" of
multiple commands to be executed sequentially. See
example batch file below.
Only the
source filelist and the
action (
/N create
/M merge
n-gram files,
/P create phrase-frames from
/Q resort
n-gram files
by frequency,
/R refilter
files to a higher threshold value)must be specified on the command
line. Option settings are read from the configuration file
kfNgram.cfg unless overridden with command line
switches (/
letter). Currently not all options can be
overridden, so you may have to run
first or else edit
kfNgram.cfg in
order to select the options you need.
Switches are not case sensitive. The space between switch and
parameter is optional. Conventions values in [ ]
are optional; | separates mutually-exclusive alternative
actions (do not enter the [ ] or the |).
While still under development there are inconsistencies in the way
wildcards are processed; please use the optional /V
switch to verify which files will be matched before running a command.
Usage C:\kfNgram>kfNgram filelist /N |
/M | /P | /Q | /R# [optional switches]
- filelist
- Specify multiple filenames with wildcards * ?, or else
separate them with +. Include the path (full or relative)
if different from the directory in which the program is located.
Output is saved in the program directory.
- /N [#]
- Create n-grams. Optional [#] specifies the
range of n (default: kfNgram.cfg).
- /A or/F
- Sort results Alphabetically or by Frequency
(default: kfNgram.cfg)
- /D
- Delete index files when done to save space on drive
- /I
- case-insensitive sort (default: kfNgram.cfg)
- /S
- Case-Sensitive sort (default: kfNgram.cfg)
- /C [combinedfilename]
- Combine soucefiles into [combinedfilename]
(default name: combined.txt)
- /M [#]
- Merge alphabetically-sorted n-gram files.
Optional [#] specifies the range of n (other values
skipped even if matched by a wildcard). Wildcard specification or exact
list of filenames to be merged. -ngrams-Alpha.txt
is assumed if not specified.
To merge alphabetically-sorted 1-3-gram files in
the directory in which
kfNgram.exe is found
with others whose names start with
into files
news02merged.txt, news03merged.txt
kfNgram news* /m1 /o newsmerged
To merge all alphabetically-sorted
files in directory
C:\ngrams> with others
having the same value of
n into files with names like
kfNgram ngrams\* /m /o newmerged
- /O outputfilename
- Merged Output is saved to this file (-##.txt is added automatically, where ##
stands for the value of n; default: merged-##.txt).
Please use this option – otherwise the default could
overwrite the merged results of various sourcefiles.
- /P [#]
- Create Phrase-frames from alphabetically-sorted n-gram
files. Optional [#] specifies the range of n
(other values will be skipped even if matched by a wildcard; n>1).Wildcard
specification or exact list of filenames to be merged. -ngrams-Alpha.txt
is assumed if not specified.
- /Q
- Resort alphabetically-sorted n-gram files by freQuency.
Produces new filenames ending in -Freq.txt
- /R#
- Refilter n-gram files (alpha or freq sort) to
higher floor (minimum cut-off) value #. Produces new files with
filenames preceded by floor##; does not affect the
- Options that apply to the above three actions:
- /L#
- Lowest frequency to include in the results ("floor";
default: kfNgram.cfg)
- /V [#]
- View settings and filenames only; do not process
files. Optional number of seconds to wait after displaying this
information before closing window (default: 30). Do this
first to verify that settings and wildcards work as intended.
- /W [#]
- Wait # seconds after processing command line before
closing window and proceeding (default: 20). If the switch is
present and no number is specified, the window closes immediately when
processing is finished.
- Sample batch file
REM Batch files have one command per line
REM precede comment lines (notes to yourself) with REM
REM create 1-6-grams from files named like MyTexts01.txt
REM files will be merged in following step, so specify floor 1 and alphabetical sort
kfngram MyTexts??.txt /N1-6 /A /L1
REM merge n-gram files; retain only n-grams that occur at least 2x
kfngram MyTexts* /M /O MergedMyTexts /L2
REM now sort merged files by frequency
kfngram MergedMyTexts* /Q
here for detailed help with
making and using batch files.
Download and Installation [This is version 1.3.1 - 10 July 2007]
Please read the license
agreement before downloading.
Two installation options are available:
- Download
kfNgramSetup.exe (295 kB) and run it to install the program
- If you do not have "administrative privileges" on your computer
specify installation to a folder other than C:\Program
Files\kfNgram\, e.g. C:\kfNgram\
- Download (229 kB) Unzip all the files to an appropriate folder,
e.g. the one in which your text files are located. You may wish
to create a shortcut to the program for your desktop. For experienced
users this may be the easiest way to upgrade. Caution: if
you have created any custom character remapping strings in kfNgram.cfg, do not overwrite this file!
kfNgram home page online
(latest version of this help file)
FAQ (Fletcher-Anticipated Questions) and History
- When will you support importing word processor documents?
- When someone asks me to. I have sample code which could be
adapted – I just need a good reason to move it higher up in my "to-do"
Bug Fixes and Added Features
29 August 2012
- New release of kfNgramStopwords.exe fixes a bug:
frequencies were accidentally stripped from filtered files. It also no longer overwrites original files;
instead nostopwords_ is prefixed to the names of the filtered files. If
no file named stopwords or stopwords.txt is found,
a file dialog appears to select the stopword file. Finally, the names of the n-gram files to be filtered
can be selectted in a file dialog if they have not been communicated by drag-and-drop or specified on the command
Download updated program (not in distribution yet)
How to use kfNgramStopwords
10 July 2007 - 1.3.1
- kfNgram Capability of running directly
from the command line added
- Bug fix: merged file is no longer deleted after merging
exactly two files
9 January 2007 - 1.2.14
- kfNgram "Issue" with sorting
phrase-frames by frequency resolved.
13 October 2006 - 1.2.13
- kfNgram Merging and phrase-frame
generation now far more efficient and scalable to very large
files. Operations on lists of hundreds of millions of items that
previously took hours or days can now be completed in well under an
- kfNgramBrowsePhraseFrames
loading and saving re-sorted large files made faster and more robust;
warning with possibility of cancellation before loading very large
- kfNgramStopwords bug fixed so
stopword file either with or without .txt extension is recognized
12 April 2006 - 1.2.12
- Numerals can now be mapped to either a single # per string of
numerals or else one # per numeral.
- Improved stripping and remapping of HTML (now UTF-8 tolerant; bug
fix: strips HTML from multiple combined files – previously worked only
with a single file)
17-24 February 2005 - 1.2.02 & 1.2.03
- Chargram support and Phrase-Frame browser added. Minor bug
fixes (column re-sorting) to the latter in release 1.2.03.
- Minor enhancements and bug fixes (sporadic count inaccuracies,
problems with filename filters...) implemented.
22 April 2004
- Companion utility kfNgramStopwords.exe released. It permits
filtering out wordgrams containing any word-form in a stopword list. Click here
to download. Ultimately this functionality will be
incorporated into kfNgram.
- To use it, create or edit a plain-text list of stopwords named stopwords or stopwords.txt,
one word per line. Blank lines, leading and following blanks, and
comments following | are ignored. (Tip to
skip specific stopwords, comment them out by preceding them with a |;
they then can remain in the file for later use.) Save this stopwords file in the same directory as kfNgramStopwords.exe. As a point of
departure you can download this sample stopwords
file based on the 200 most frequent types in the BNC as normalized on
my "Phrases in English"
site. Here is another
stopword list.
- To use kfNgramStopwords, either...
- select a file or group of files in Windows Explorer, then
drag and drop it onto kfNgramStopwords'
icon, or else...
- launch it from the DOS command line with a filename or list
of filenames separated by spaces. If any filename or path
contains spaces, the entire path and filename must be enclosed in "
". Wildcards * and ? are supported. Sample
command lines:
List of filenames separated by spaces: C:\ngramdata>kfNgramStopwords mydatafile1.txt
Single character wildcard achieves the same effect: C:\ngramdata>kfNgramStopwords mydatafile?.txt
Data files in a different directory; * matches 0 or more
characters: C:\ngramdata>kfNgramStopwords
Data file or directory names containing spaces are enclosed
in " ": C:\ngramdata>kfNgramStopwords
"subdir with spaces\*.txt"
- Warning kfNgramStopwords
overwrites your original wordgram files. Please back up your originals
or work with copies.
17 November 2002 - 1.10.01
- "Phrase-Frame" support added.
- File-naming conventions standardized.
17 October 2002 - 1.00.09
- Merge progress display added and merge operation made more robust
- Numerous changes to make working with multiple files easier and
more intuitive
- Partially implemented option to map all numbers onto a single #
removed from dropdown list (it was added only for testing and
inadvertently made it into the released version; as currently
implemented it truncates the data)
- Select target folder feature added, but still disabled as it has
not been tested fully
8 October 2002 - 1.00.08
- File viewers now support custom font face and size (edited via
"Edit Options" on the Tool menu).
- File viewers now can display larger files more rapidly (exceeding
the file size limits caused sporadic crashes in Windows 9x / ME).
- Unnecessary code and constants removed to reduce application size
from 125 to 97 kB.
- Some minor bugs and cosmetic flaws eliminated.
3 October 2002 - 1.00.07 (thanks to user feedback)
- Menus standardized
- n-Gram file viewer added
1 October 2002 - 1.00.06 (thanks to user feedback)
- Exit menu item added
- Number of source files selected is displayed
- Redundant source file names removed automatically
- Text file viewer added
30 September 2002 - 1.00.05
- Alphabetic sort now assigns frequencies to the correct item
- Frequency sort no longer crashes for very high frequency
- Merge and re-sort by frequency features added
Under the Hood
kfNgram incorporates routines programmed
by William H. Fletcher for KWiCFinder
primarily in PowerBasic, with
some processing-intensive code in assembly language. (PBWin 10.0 is
an extremely efficient language combining C-like performance with the
programming simplicity of structured Basic. Version 8.0 is available
for $50.) It implements aspects of the "suffix array" algorithm for
indexing n-grams described by Chunyu
Kit and Yorick Wilks and later by Mikio Yamamoto and Kenneth W. Church. After
remapping the characters, then tokenizing and indexing the source
string, kfNgram pre-sorts the first 12
characters of each token entry in the entire suffix array. It
then sorts smaller ranges of the suffix array to the "resolution"
specified by the user. The range size can be varied to optimize
performance (usually irrelevant for files under 1 MB). It offers a
quantum leap in performance over its predecessor, which ground to a
virtual halt on files of 20-30 MB of text.